UW Cardiology Fellows

Instructions for how to log in for free online textbooks through the uw library

Below, see UW Libraries guide for access to great online textbooks through the UW library ( FREE ) with the ability to get PDFs of the individual chapters if accessed from UW IP address. Also sending to faculty who may be interested in some of these titles for teaching, to hand out PDFs, or for their own study.

  1. Otto’s echo/valve books (Practice of Clinical Echocardiography (2022), Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography (2018), Valvular Heart disease (2021))
  2. American Society of Echocardiography’s comprehensive echocardiography (Roberto Lang, ed)(2022)
  3. Interventional Cardiac Catheterization (Michael Lim, ed) (2023)
  4. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A textbook of Cardiovascular medicine (Douglas Mann, ed)(2022)
  5. Essential Echocardiography. Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease (Scott Soloman, ed) (2019)
  6. Goldberger’s Clinical ECG (2024)
  7. Textbook of Interventional Cardiology (Eric Topol, ed) (2020)
  8. Cardiac Intensive Care Brown DL ed (2019)
  9. Netter’s Cardiology (anatomy) Stouffer, ed (2019)

Click on “Clinical Key” (it is under UpToDate…another great resource!)

Log on with your UW password when prompted.

Once logged in, click on “Register” on the top of the Clinical Key Website, and register for a ClinicalKey Account (must be logged in your UW ID)

Select “books” and then search for “Cardiology.” At the top of the webpage, under “Browse,” select books and on the left select “Cardiovascular” (see photo)

Select a book and a chapter you want to read (see example of PDF to download from Braunwald’s heart Disease). At the top of each chapter, there is an option to download a PDF if you are logged in.

Here is login for an account