Below you will find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by CNAS students.
Please review the topics below for more information on the issues you might need help with.
- You can check the status of pending AP or IB scores/credit in the My Test Scores section on your MyUCR account. You can find more information regarding test score submission and requirements here
- What will my AP/IB credit count for? You can refer to the UCR Catalog section on AP/IB credit articulation to know what your AP/IB scores will give you credit for.
- Change of major requests can only be processed on day 1 of your in-person orientation experience. Major changes will not be processed after that. However, you may still work on changing to a new major during your first year. Please talk to your major advisor during the virtual advising/registration session if you are considering changing majors.
- We know many students are interested in seeking a double major upon admission to UCR. However, there is specific criteria that students must meet before being able to officially declare a double major. First-year students will not be eligible to declare a double major at this point. Instead, we strongly recommend that you talk with your major advisor about your interest in a double major once the fall quarter has started. They will be able to provide you with more information on how to pursue a double major. There is plenty of time to work towards a double major if you wish to pursue it.
- CNAS majors have a designated lead faculty advisor (LFA) who work with undergraduate students to advise and guide them topics like graduate school, careers related to your field of study, concentrations, cross-disciplinary studies, and research opportunities. Once the fall quarter starts, you may contact the LFA for your major, who are listed in each major advising page.
- In general, students can reach out to faculty during their office hours, which are typically listed on the course syllabus. Visiting faculty during office hours allows you the opportunity to review course content and information but is also a good way to discuss shared interests in certain academic or research topics.
- Review and complete the Orientation module required for all incoming students: Highlander Foundations College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- Yes, participation in the CNAS Scholars LC program is mandatory for all CNAS students with the exception of honors students and athletes.
- Please visit the CNAS Scholars LC website for more information.
- Math placement is the single most important element for course enrollment in the first year. Hence, it is very important for all new students to have a math placement prior to their virtual Advising & Registration session. Without a math placement, students will not be able to be placed into a CNAS Scholars Learning Community or enroll in any of the critical math & science courses required for your majors.
- Your math placement can be determined by your AP/IB credit, community college or other college credit (already completed, not in progress), or the Math Advisor Exam (MAE).
- Click on this link for information on the required math progression for life science majors (i.e., Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, etc.):
- Click on this link for information on the required math progression for mathematical and physical science majors (i.e., Mathematics, MTSS, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, etc.).
- We realize many first-year students are already interested in pursuing a graduate degree or a career in a health profession like medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, etc. There will be ample time to begin this process after orientation. During orientation, we will focus on getting your fall schedule and helping learn more about your degree requirements at UCR. To learn more about preparing for a career in the health professions, please visit the Health Professions Advising Center.
- Similar to seeking a double major, there are criteria that must be met in order to declare a minor. As a result, first-year students are not eligible to declare a minor at this point. As with the double major, there is plenty of time for students interested in this option to work towards it during their time at UCR. We strongly recommend that you talk with your major advisor about your interest in a minor once the fall quarter has started. They will be able to provide you with more information about what you will need to do to pursue a minor.
- Be sure to check your UCR email regularly
- Complete your Math/English Placement Exams prior to your virtual advising/registration session
- Math: arc.ucr.edu/mae
- English: uwp.ucr.edu/elwr#awpe
- Students who successfully complete the CNAS Scholars LC program will be eligible for a summer research experience at the end of their first year at UCR. You can learn more about this great benefit of the LC program on the CNAS Scholars website.
- Other programs or resources offering the opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in research include:
- Undergraduate Research Portal
- STEM Connections Program
- Research in Science and Engineering (RISE) Program
- Below is a list of different tools or resources that students can use to help them understand their degree requirements as well as important information about deadlines or policies:
- UCR Catalog (the 2022 Catalog will be published closer to the start of the fall quarter)
- UCR Academic Calendar to review all important dates and deadlines
- Be sure to pay close attention to the “Last day to” section: https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar#last_day_to
- UCR will provide you with a great learning experience among world-renowned faculty and we hope that you find a home at UCR. However, we understand that sometimes students’ plans change and transferring might be something that might work best for their goals. We recommend that you work closely with the admissions office of the school you would like to transfer to get the information you need for that process. UCR staff cannot advise you on the requirements and transfer criteria of other institutions, but you can talk to your academic advisor for guidance and advice on this option.
- Please be sure to submit official transcripts from any other college or university you may have attended to receive the appropriate credit and ensure you have the correct placement. For more information on this, please visit the Admissions Office website here: https://admissions.ucr.edu/myucr#where_do_i_send_my_transcriptsdocuments
- You must also make sure that your official, final high school transcripts have been received by UCR Admissions. For more information on this, please visit the Admissions Office website here: https://admissions.ucr.edu/myucr#i_sent_my_final_high_school_transcript_but_its_still_showing_as_not_received
- The answer to this may depend on a student’s personal preference or unique needs, goals, and objectives. Please consider that for each hour you spend in class, you will have to plan for 2 hours of study time. Enrolling in 12 units means that you will spend 12 hours per week in class, and would be expected to spend 24 hours of study time outside the classroom, at a minimum. In total, you would be expected to spend about 36 hours per week either in class or studying/doing homework. This is almost like a full-time job! In your first quarter, this may be sufficient. But overall, UCR students are expected to take about 15-16 units each quarter.
- Good academic standing requires a minimum 2.0 GPA, both for the term and/or cumulative.
- Academic Probation is the academic standing given when the term and/or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0.
- Subject to Disqualification is the standing given when either GPA is at or below 1.5.
- A “subject to disqualification” standing does not indicate an automatic disqualification (being “kicked out”) from the University.
- Risk for disqualification from the University is likely when students have had 2 or more quarters of not being in good academic standing. Students who are disqualified will receive an e-mail notification by the CNAS Divisional Dean.
- Academic standing can be viewed in various locations: 1. Degree Audit, 2. Student Profile under the “Unofficial Transcript” tab.
- Academic standing can be reverted back to “good academic standing” once the GPA's return to a 2.0 or higher.
- Unit Limit: students not in good academic standing once final grades post, will be limited to 15-units for the upcoming quarter.
- Students who returned to good academic standing after their grades post, will be able to register for up to 20 units. P lease allow 24-48hrs after all of your grades have posted for the system to update. If there is still no change, please contact your advisor.
- Grades are viewable in R’ Web. You can refer to the Academic Calendar to find out when they become available at: https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar
- Advisors are not on campus but are working remotely. E-mail is the primary means of communicating with your advisor. *Please do not call their office phone number and/or leave a message.*
- Please allow 4-5 business days for your advisor to respond. Avoid spamming/sending multiple e-mails to your advisor or sending e-mails to other CNAS advisors as this may cause a further delay in response time.
- You can find your advisor’s e-mail contact information in several locations: 1) under your major page 2) Student Profile under Advisors 3) Degree Audit, under Advisor
- To declare a major, please review the change of major criteria located in each major advising page to confirm you are eligible to declare. Once you've confirmed you are eligible, then you can meet with the advisor for the major you want to declare (not your current major advisor) to discuss your plans and process the major change. Some m ajors offer Change of Major W orkshops to declare instead of meeting with the major advisor individually; please check our Workshops page to see if this may be an option for the major you plan to declare.
- Change of Major Workshops
- For information about majors outside of CNAS, please visit the following pages in those colleges:
- CHASS: https://chassstudentaffairs.ucr.edu/dept/index.html
- Psychology Change of Major Workshops
- You will find a consolidated list of planning resources for all majors at this link:
- https://cnasstudent.ucr.edu/registering-classes#courseplanning
- Go to your Student Profile
- Click on Degree Audit and Plans
- Your Degree Audit will appear with your current major and courses completed and still needed.
- If you want to see the requirements needed for different major and how your completed courses will work toward that, follow these tips:
- Click on “What If” on the left-hand side of the Degree Audit (right under “Worksheets”)
- In the “Program” box click your major from the drop-down menu
- If the major has a concentration, you will have to click in the “Concentration” box drop-down menu and choose your concentration of choice
- Once your major and concentration are set, click on “Process What-If” (above “Select your primary area of study”)
- It will show the courses you still need to complete.
- If you click on the courses still needed, you can click on the class and see the description, pre-requisites, etc., if the course is being taught in the current quarter or the following quarter (once registration has begun for that quarter)
- For enrollment issues with CNAS courses (i.e. BIOL, BCH, CHEM), the CNAS Enrollment Management Center is the primary point of assistance
- In order to best troubleshoot your enrollment issues, please first screen for the following: course pre-requisites, co-requisites, time conflicts. *Pre-requisites and co-requisites can be verified via the Schedule of Classes or the UCR Catalog
- If the above has been screened, then proceed with completing & submitting the following electronic request form: https://ucrbsgsac.wufoo.com/forms/enrollment-request/
- There are Enrollment Specialists for each department/subject, please refer to this link for specific contact information: https://cnasemc.ucr.edu/contact-0
- Waitlisted classes: If you are unable to enroll into a course you have waitlisted for during the 24-hour notice window, you will need to repeat the waitlist process, and waitlist for the class again